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HomeClubs & OrganizationsVisual Diary: Smithsonian's Plans for the new National Numismatic Collection Exhibit Unveiled

Visual Diary: Smithsonian’s Plans for the new National Numismatic Collection Exhibit Unveiled

CoinWeek’s David Lisot and Charles Morgan attended the gathering of  patrons for the Smithsonian Institution which included an insightful presentation on the design philosophy of the forthcoming National Numismatic Collection Exhibit, which is expected to launch in 2015.

The following images, which were on display at the event, are presented here to give collectors a first look at the proposed design of the Smithsonian National Numismatic Collection exhibit space.


Although additional funding is required, but museum curator Jennifer Locke Jones is hoping to be able to install a large vault door at the entrance to the exhibit. The design element is meant to instill a sense of value to the contents inside the exhibit space. The outer walls will be made of cladded metal.



Upon entering the exhibit, visitors will see the collection’s most exciting and valuable pieces, which will be displayed inside of six floor-to-ceiling glass displays. Jones said that this installation is meant to convey the richness and value of the objects and their relationship to the earthen elements from which they came.


The collection’s main displays will features many intricate numismatic reference points. Each display will feature an engraved and inked metal title icon; printed, engraved, or spot varnished “Guilloche” detail; and drawers that can be pulled out to reveal additional pieces and interpretative stories.

The newly designed numismatic exhibit is scheduled to launch in 2015. While museum officials strive to create a world class exhibit worthy of the beauty and importance of the National Numismatic Collection, additional funds are needed to accomplish all of the design team’s objectives.

To find out how you can participate and play a vital role in the evolution of American numismatics go to the Smithsonian Institution’s website and donate today.

Coinweek is the top independent online media source for rare coin and currency news, with analysis and information contributed by leading experts across the numismatic spectrum.

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